I switched from PsExec to PaExec and I can't seem to get the -n switch to work. I have tried it in different locations of the command line using -n 5 hoping to time out the trying to connect in 5 seconds since all of the computers are not turned on in the list I use. This is how I use the command line in the script to install software updates to a list of computers "paexec @c:%UserInput1%.txt -n 05 -u qcmainBLANK -p BLANK -c -f -h -d c:msiexec_install.cmd -lo \hs-servBLANKpaexecloginstall.log" I have tried the -n with the other switches as well. It still trys to connect for over 30 seconds no matter where I have the connection time out switch. Thanks! Tim

asked 21 May '14, 11:10

mrtepayne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sorry I didn't say which version I am using. I am using Ver. 1.24 Thanks!!


answered 21 May '14, 12:51

mrtepayne's gravatar image

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Asked: 21 May '14, 11:10

Seen: 6,361 times

Last updated: 21 May '14, 12:51