I have a few File Age monitors running that I'm having an issue reading the results of. If I have the monitor e-mail me the results, it's nicely formatted (ie each flagged file is on a separate line with the violation), but the results are truncated. If I have it write to a text log, all of the results are there, but it is difficult to read (ie. the flagged files and violations all run together). For the text log file action, I have tried every option (UTF-8, Unicode, including/excluding BOM), but it makes no difference. Does anyone have a suggestion? Kind regards, Colleen |
Colleen, Each entry into the log file is put on it's own line. So I'm wondering if you're seeing wrapping because of the text editor that you are using. When I open my text files (using Notepad++) I see each entry on it's own line. Yes, the lines are long as they have lots of information but there is a line return at the end of each line. My action is using the default setting of writing in Unicode. There is no option to add an additional line return after each line entered in the log file. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. When I open it with Notepad ++ (version 6.6.6), the entries are all on one really long line. When I use the regular Notepad or Word (Professional Plus 2010), it is how I displayed it in the above section - with no line returns. I will change all of them to Unicode. Do I want to include the BOM too? Thanks! -Colleen
(18 Jun '14, 12:57)
Colleen, Please send a copy of your text log file and a screenshot of your settings for your text file action. Please send everything to support@poweradmin.com What version of the product are you using? Thanks Quinn
(18 Jun '14, 14:28)
Quinn ♦♦
Hi Quinn, I forgot to include in my e-mail what version we are using. We are using version -Colleen
(02 Jul '14, 10:02)
Hi Colleen, We have a new build ready for you that will allow you to record new line characters in your log file. The new build is in preview. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. Hi Quinn, I applied the new build yesterday, but it's still not displaying with the new line characters in the text file. Unfortunately, each violation is not broken into individual lines. I opened the txt file in Notepad, Notepad ++, Wordpad and Word. In Notepad ++ it displays all on 1 line. In the others, it is one large block of text. Would you like for me to send you the txt file? I really appreciate you working on this issue! -Colleen
(03 Jul '14, 09:14)
Hi Quinn, Any progress on this issue? I want to send the reports to another person so that they can clean up old data, but I can't if the e-mail truncates the information and the txt file is not legible. Thanks. -Colleen
(23 Jul '14, 11:16)
Hi Colleen, In the Write to Log File action did you select the new check box “allow new lines”? Just to make sure, the new option is in the preview release, is that the version you installed? Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer.
(23 Jul '14, 12:17)
Quinn ♦♦
Hi Colleen, Would you please send an example of what you are seeing and explain to us the parts that you believe are difficult to read? Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
Hi Quinn, Thanks for the quick response. Here's a sample from the e-mail: 18 Jun 2014 12:35:02 AM \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengDesktopqifuDocuments and
SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemporary Internet
FilesContent.IE5UXODKZQJrelated_home_on[1].gif is 2833d 5m old In error for 42d 22h 0m Sent from PA Server Monitor on POWERADMIN As you can see, it says (truncated) at the end, but it's very easy to see each file's violation as they are all on separate lines. In the text file, it looks like this: 18 Jun 2014 12:35:02 AM, "Computer: ZCM-PXE", "Monitor Title: ZCM-PXE- userbackupsProfileBackup older than 42 days @Wed 12am (File Age Monitor)", "Description: \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupajoshi.dmg is 398d 13h 32m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackuppeela.dmg is 398d 12h 0m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupScanState.log is 224d 11h 12m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengNTUSER.DAT{6cced2f1-6e01-11de-8bed-001e0bcd1824}.TM.blf is 1053d 3h 11m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengNTUSER.DAT{6cced2f1-6e01-11de-8bed-001e0bcd1824}.TMContainer00000000000000000001.regtrans-ms is 1053d 3h 11m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengNTUSER.DAT{6cced2f1-6e01-11de-8bed-001e0bcd1824}.TMContainer00000000000000000002.regtrans-ms is 1053d 3h 11m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengntuser.ini is 614d 16h 38m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengntuser.pol is 221d 14h 42m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengVideosdesktop.ini is 454d 2h 52m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengSearchesdesktop.ini is 565d 2h 39m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengSearchesEverywhere.search-ms is 682d 31m old \ZCM-PXEC$SharesuserbackupsProfileBackupzhengzhengSearchesIndexed Locations.search-ms is 728d 1h 47m old \ZCM-PXEC$Sharesuserbackups The lines are all running together. I was hoping that I could add a line return to separate each violation, but I can't seem to find a way to format the text file. I can send you the actual text file if you'd prefer. Thanks for looking into this! -Colleen |
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