Just started getting the following error; can anyone please advise

System Error Detected: Database error #### SQLExecDirect failed with [[ODBC Error: state=22003, nativeErr=8115, err=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type int.] [ODBC Error: state=01000, nativeErr=3606, err=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow occurred.] ] for SQL=[SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN TRAN; INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (19897, 19.51836, {ts N'2014-07-15 14:54:37'}); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (19870, 3.214874, {ts N'2014-07-15 14:54:37'}); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (19852, 1.33248, {ts N'2014-07-15 14:54:37'}); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (19899, 15.163592, {ts N'2014-07-15 14:54:40'}); INSERT INTO StatData (StatID, Value, Date) VALUES (19869, 0.022553, {ts N'[Trimmed]]

asked 15 Jul '14, 11:12

Tired_Techie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Aug '16, 17:01

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦

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Could be co-incidence but im now seeing this error

System Error Detected: Database error [at 249-MGTHW-02 remote satellite] #### Failed to get an ODBC statement handle. Error=4294967294, , m_hDBC == NULL

from one of the satellite services form the console


answered 22 Jul '14, 06:42

Tired_Techie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

more SQL errors....

System Error Detected: Database error [at Bristol - UBHNT403 remote satellite] #### sqlite_exec failed with 13 (database or disk is full ExtErr=13) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO DevProps (Value, Timestamp, CompID, PropID, Item, Source) VALUES ('410854', 1406028150, 5060, 33, '', 6); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO DevProps (Value, Timestamp, CompID, PropID, Item, Source) VALUES ('596201', 1406028151, 5061, 33, '', 6); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO DevProps (Value, Timestamp, CompID, PropID, Item, Source) VALUES ('503047', 1406028151, 5062, 33, '', 6); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO DevProps (Value, Timestamp, CompID, PropID, Item, Source) VALUES ('6[Trimmed]]. Will re-open


answered 22 Jul '14, 07:26

Tired_Techie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

System Error Detected: Database error [at 249-MGTHW-02 remote satellite] #### Failed to get an ODBC statement handle. Error=4294967294, , m_hDBC == NULL


answered 22 Jul '14, 07:26

Tired_Techie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The message "Failed to get an ODBC statement handle." makes it sound like the connection from PA Server Monitor to the SQL Database is no longer there. Make sure that your connection is good.

The second error is an error from adding data to the SQLite database. This also points to the fact that your SQL database connection is not working.



answered 22 Jul '14, 09:41

Tori_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 57%

edited 22 Jul '14, 09:43

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Asked: 15 Jul '14, 11:12

Seen: 29,403 times

Last updated: 04 Aug '16, 17:01