Hi. I am using on SQL Server. All of my EventTimes and DBTimes are about 10 hours our. It looks as if the system is processing all times in GMT. Is there anyway I can change this.. Can you confirm that this is what is happening.

All of our server times check out as being correct.

Help - we use this system to enable tracking of various machines reading files.


asked 20 Feb '18, 19:56

Marcwolf's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Dave -

Can you tell me exactly where you are seeing these times that are off?

Times stored in the database are always UTC/GMT, but then converted and displayed in local time in the Console/reports.

Also, please run Diag.exe (in C:\Program Files (x86)\PA Serer Monitor). It will show the timezone settings that are being read from the OS. That might highlight a timezone setting problem on the server.


answered 21 Feb '18, 16:40

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

edited 21 Feb '18, 16:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦

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Asked: 20 Feb '18, 19:56

Seen: 3,420 times

Last updated: 21 Feb '18, 16:55