I like to read from the sqllte database you create when File Sight is running and I see a table called FileSightFindings and in this table I see it logging all the files that monitor is setup to watch. I like to grab from this database once my build is done but I am not clear what the number mean in EventTime column. How can look for something that change at a so so date and time? Is that ticks? How can I write a SQL asking for all files that changed from Dec-18-2013T08:00 to Dec-18-2013T08:30? Something like that I am looking to do.

Is there any notes on the schema and how we can use some of the data from the database?

Thanks much for your help.

asked 19 Dec '13, 00:55

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Asked: 19 Dec '13, 00:55

Seen: 30,259 times

Last updated: 19 Dec '13, 00:55