I am using File Sight Ultra v4.2.1.44 and am having issues with some of the browser based functioanlity. File Sight is running on a Windows Server 2003 R2 machine with IE 6.

First, if I click on the "Open in Browswer" button on a report nothing happens. I can see a window briefly open and then dissappear but the report is never generated in the browser. Also, and I believe this is related, I'm unable to view the PDF version of any of my reports and the PDF archiving and email delivery features also do not work. I can see in the log files where PDF creation fails during these processes and believe this is tied to the IE issues.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, Matt

asked 21 Sep '12, 18:41

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Matt Wilson
accept rate: 0%

There are a number of problems using IE 6 (the Console should indicate that upgrading IE is HIGHLY recommended). If you can upgrade to IE 9 I would expect most of the problems to disappear.

This won't help the PDF issue, but try opening the reports on your desktop machine (which I hope will have IE 9+). You can do that via https://{server}:{port}/


answered 24 Sep '12, 09:22

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Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 21 Sep '12, 18:41

Seen: 5,427 times

Last updated: 24 Sep '12, 09:22