Hi All

New to PA Mon and we are currently moving away from Nagios to this product.

One issue i have currently is that when installing the app for Remote Console access i get a cert issue within the app view.

I've installed the cert and both IE8/9 and Chrome work fine...any advice would be greatfull..screen shot attached

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asked 04 Feb '13, 05:32

staylor1001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi --

This is an irritating issue that embedded IE suffers from, but stand-alone IE doesn't. This page discusses the three possible problems:


In addition, in the Preview build, we're adding an embedded Chromium browser to try and help users avoid this problem. Unfortunately, embedded Chromium has a different SSL-related issue too :( But we're working on that one.

Ultimately though, they all boil down to the three problems listed on that first linked page.


answered 04 Feb '13, 17:56

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 04 Feb '13, 05:32

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Last updated: 04 Feb '13, 17:56