
I am setting up an snmp trap monitor that executes a VBScript to parse each trap. For each trap the script writes the details to a log file and e-mails the relevant parts to a helpdesk system. While testing the monitor I have sent the same trap multiple times in quick succession and the monitor sometimes sees them as a single trap with twice the number of variables. This is causing me a problem because each trap should be processed individually.

Is there a reason for this happening and is there anything I do about it?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Best Regards Paul

asked 26 Sep '12, 07:09

PaulH's gravatar image

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Recent versions of the SNMP Trap monitor (version 4.2.2 or newer I think?) have a check box for "Report each matching event separately", which is what it sounds like you want.


answered 27 Sep '12, 22:38

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%


Thanks for the response but I already have this check box ticked.

Any other suggestions would be very welcome.

Thanks again Paul

(28 Sep '12, 04:46) PaulH

Look in the PA Server Monitor\Logs\PA Server Monitor_Service_Log.txt file. Every time a trap is received, an entry that contains "SNMP-TRAP: Trap." is added to the log. If you quickly send 10 traps, do you see 10 entries in the log? And then only see (for example) 8 events fired?

(03 Oct '12, 09:01) Doug ♦♦

Hi Doug,

Sorry only just read your suggestion/question.

I have just run a test with 7 traps sent together and the monitor was only fired once. the log file contains the following:

Starting monitor DAL-UTIL-01.DAL.LOCAL"SNMP Trap Monitor" (MID 914) SNMPTrapReceiver::DoEventsProc thread starting ThreadProc -> MaintChk SNMP-TRAP: Device DAL-UTIL-01.DAL.LOCAL (monID 914) registering for traps Finished monitor DAL-UTIL-01.DAL.LOCAL"SNMP Trap Monitor". Status=OK, (MID 914)

Thanks for your input.

Best Regards Paul

(11 Oct '12, 10:24) PaulH

Hi Paul--

Look in the log file for "SNMP-TRAP:". Everytime a trap is received, this is logged. Do you see seven of those lines for the seven traps sent?


(11 Oct '12, 11:20) Doug ♦♦

Paul, I'm, sorry, looking at this closer I think it is working as designed. That check box will cause each individual trap to fire a separate email action, but the script still gets everything. I think the problem is we're not splitting each trap out into the separate row variables like it should be. That would make it easier for you to process them. We'll see if we can change that (today?)

(11 Oct '12, 11:24) Doug ♦♦

I dont know what to do here? can you help me?

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answered 03 Oct '12, 06:33

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I dont know what to do here can you help me? tags: (required)

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answered 03 Oct '12, 06:34

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I dont know what to do here can you help me? tags: (required)

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answered 03 Oct '12, 06:34

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I dont know what to do here can you help me? tags: (required)

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answered 03 Oct '12, 06:34

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I dont know what to do here can you help me? tags: (required)

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answered 03 Oct '12, 06:34

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im new here. I downloaded PA Server Monitor Ultra and my question is Can i monitor the NAS server or something to get info how manny spaces left on the hd?

So yes how ?

I hope someone respond on this. I could't make a Question because i came not farther then the tags ? what must i type by the tags?


answered 03 Oct '12, 06:19

Serkan's gravatar image

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Try creating an account and you can then raise a question.

Regards Paul

(03 Oct '12, 06:24) PaulH

I dont know what you mean without account you cant respond on this site so I all ready have account ?

(03 Oct '12, 06:31) Serkan

I dont know what to do here can you help me? tags: (required)

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(03 Oct '12, 06:35) Serkan

Serkan, click the red "Ask a Question" box at the top right to start a new question. For tags, try "disk space", or "server monitor" for example.

(03 Oct '12, 08:57) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 26 Sep '12, 07:09

Seen: 358,535 times

Last updated: 11 Oct '12, 11:24