Hi I apologize in advance if this is a daft question. I'm using an snmp trap monitor for a poweredge drac. The trap monitor is working and I can see live traps coming in and being actioned. However even with the .mib file loaded, the OIDs are not resolving.

I've looked through the mib file and I can see definitions for the oid's that I'm looking for... Any ideas?

asked 21 Mar '16, 01:41

msperson's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Hi Quinn

Thanks for getting back to me. I managed to fix the issue I was having.

In the documentation I followed here it says that mibs are loaded and parsed every few minutes. This didn't seem to work for me and I eventually had to restart the monitoring service which fixed the problem.



answered 22 Mar '16, 21:25

msperson's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 22 Mar '16, 21:26

Hi msperson,

Please make sure that the MIB file that you are using is in the MIB Directory of the service that is doing the monitoring. If you are using a satellite to do the monitoring then make sure the MIB file is on the satellite server in the service's MIB directory.


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answered 21 Mar '16, 16:40

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 21 Mar '16, 01:41

Seen: 9,375 times

Last updated: 22 Mar '16, 21:26