Hi everyone,

We're very interested in this product, but have been struggling to get it installed properly. Unfortunately, the documentation seems to assume that we are experienced with SQL (we want to use SQL for the DB) and I think this is part of the reason we can't get it to work. I'm hoping someone can point me to the idiot's guide to step by step installation instructions, because after trying for 4 days, I'm stumped. Here's what we did (we are on a domain):

  1. Created a domain account called FileAuditor
  2. Using a domain admin account on a windows 2008 R2 x64 server installed SQLExpress 2008, specifying the FileAuditor Domain Account as the SQL Admin
  3. Installed SQL Server Management Studio Express R2, and verified the FileAuditor Domain Account was listed in the Security "Folder" and had the sysadmin role
  4. Created an empty DB called Audits, assigned the FileAuditor Domain Account as owner
  5. Installed File Sight (current trial version) with SQL Native Client Library
  6. Configured the FileSight service to run with FileAuditor Domain Account
  7. Configured Database settings, and receive “OK” when testing the connection
  8. Used the Easy Deploy to install satellite service only with SQL Native Client Library on a remote server

And this is where things start failing.

  • Although we fill out details for Easy Deploy, when I click “Begin the Easy Deploy Process,” nothing happens.
  • The report that is automatically generated for the deploy process is empty. It looks as though it’s supposed to be a webpage, but the page is not found. The satellite does not show up in the console
  • I logged into the Remote Server with my Domain admin account and installed the satellite service manually, with SQL Libraries, and configured the service to use the FileAuditor Domain Account. Testing the connection to the Central server is “OK.” However, the satellite still does not show up in the console.
  • The green window in the top left of the console switches between OK and Database Error every 6 seconds (This was not occurring before I set up a satellite).
  • The console has 4 links at the top of the main window including “Current Errors” and “Status Overview.” Clicking on either shows a blank page with HTTP/1.1 404 not Found, /SOME_FOLDER_NAME/index.html not found

So it seems I somehow botched the installation without getting an error or warning. I've gone through this process 6 times, but I can't get it to work. Any help appreciated


asked 18 Sep '14, 16:50

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Asked: 18 Sep '14, 16:50

Seen: 3,236 times

Last updated: 18 Sep '14, 16:50