
I'm using a trial version of PA Storage Monitor. I have indexed drives on 2 servers. I want to use the "Custom File Set" report option under "File System Analyzer" to give me a report of all files across the network that are over a certain size and a certain age. Under the "Source Data" tab, I check on all the source drives on both servers. Under the "Filters and Parameters" tab, I type my criteria for each field. The table on this tab wants a "Starting directory" parameter to be filled in. If I click this field, it brings up a dialog box showing me only the first drive that has been selected. I select the top-most folder, i.e. the root of the drive that is shown. When I press Generate, it gives me an error message stating:

All setting are not yet correct. The target directory (...) is not contained within the chosen data set.

Please correct the problem and try again.

The only way I can get it to work is if I only check on one drive under Source Data, and then select this drive again as the "Starting directory."

There seem to be two problems here:

  1. An inconsistency between the "Source Data" tab (multiple selection) and "Starting directory" field (single selection).

  2. The inability to run the report on more than one drive

I really would like to have a report for all drives being checked. Why is this not possible?

asked 22 Dec '14, 18:32

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Asked: 22 Dec '14, 18:32

Seen: 3,370 times

Last updated: 22 Dec '14, 18:32