The PA server monitor server is on a domain and the service is configured to use a domain account. If I add a server to be monitored that is not on the domain and enter alternate credentials as directed (local account name, password, and computer name for the domain field) I can connect to the event viewer but when I try to add performance monitor it tells me that although the credentials are valid they don't grant access. when I view the event log on the server I'm trying to connect to, the security log shows the failure because the credentials are those of the PA server monitor service and not the alternate ones I supplied. Is there something I am missing here to get the proper alternate credentials passed to the target?

asked 23 Apr '15, 01:34

teknosaur's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Something odd is going on - we and many other customers monitor non-domain servers from a domain server all the time.

My suspicion is the granular Windows Firewall letting Event Log requests in but not Performance requests. Test this by taking PA Server Monitor out of the picture by running perfmon.msc from the server where PA Server Monitor is installed and then connecting to and adding a counter from the target server.


answered 07 May '15, 23:53

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 23 Apr '15, 01:34

Seen: 5,969 times

Last updated: 07 May '15, 23:53