Within the last two weeks, an event log monitor that watches the Security log on a domain controller stopped reporting events. The monitor has an OK status, but it does not match any events. As a test, I created a monitor that watches the Security log but does not filter events. This monitor does not report any events either.

Running as the PAdmin service account, Event Viewer can connect to and view the remote log. WBEMTEST proves that it can query the Security log.

asked 18 Jan '16, 13:45

gfeindel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi gfeindel,

We will need to review your service log file from either your Central service or your Satellite service, depending on which service monitors that server. Please zip the log file up and send it to support@poweradmin.com and include the name of the server.


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answered 19 Jan '16, 09:12

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 18 Jan '16, 13:45

Seen: 4,933 times

Last updated: 19 Jan '16, 09:12