Hi. We have multiple switches and routers monitored by PA server monitor version 6 via snmp, and it works just fine. One issue though - the default threshold values are 87500000 Bps, no matter if the interfaces are gigabit, fast ethernet or even ten gigabit.

So, if I have a stack of switches with 2*48 gigabit interfaces, it is a lot of work to manually change all interfaces to thresholds of, say, 875 MB/s instead.

Is there any way this could be done more easily than going in to each and every interface and change the threshold?

Anyways, thanks for a great product!

Best regards -- Markus

asked 22 Oct '15, 03:05

HSI_Markus's gravatar image

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edited 22 Oct '15, 03:07

Hi Markus,

Try using Bulk Config to make your changes to several monitors at the same time. the option in Bulk Config to use is the "Monitor: Set Monitor Parameters".


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answered 23 Oct '15, 14:58

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for your reply.

Bulk config is for editing multiple devices, what I need is being able to change the alert values for all interfaces on one device (ie one switch).

If I use bulk edit and select only one switch, I get the same options as I get if I edit the values directly on the switch.


answered 27 Oct '15, 04:23

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answered 21 Jan '16, 02:29

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Asked: 22 Oct '15, 03:05

Seen: 112,908 times

Last updated: 21 Jan '16, 02:29