Hello PA, I'm looking to monitor the creation and deletion of local folders, while not concerned with any files in those folders. Example: I would like to know if anyone creates or deletes any folders under c:users. I can create and delete c:userstest and it does not notify of the creation or it being deleted and the console says "No changes detected in C:Users". IF I take the new monitor defaults, it has folder creation and deletion checked and all I need to do is add the path. I've tried multiple combinations of checking/unchecking the files section and ending training but I cannot get any notification of any folders being created or deleted. I am watching "C:Users + subdirs" And all it shows is "No changes detected in C:Users"

Any tips will be appreciated! Dave

asked 03 Oct '17, 17:34

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi Dave,

When you ran your test did the monitor run after the test directory was crated and then after the directory was deleted? The monitor works of a list of files and directories that it has accumulated from each scan.


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answered 05 Oct '17, 09:57

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

It turned out to be the training. Every change to the monitor properties restarts a training period. I needed to finish the initial training and then also end the training again when I made changes.


answered 12 Oct '17, 15:43

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 03 Oct '17, 17:34

Seen: 3,955 times

Last updated: 12 Oct '17, 15:43