When I'm attempting to copy a Performance Monitor from one machine to another, either through right-click/copy or via Bulk Config, it never shows up on the target machine. If I paste what's in the clipboard into Notepad I get:
Is there any log that would show why the paste is failing? |
FIX: I couldn't find anything that would be of help in the log file. So I'd like for you to make a change to a registry setting. The Microsoft's Performance Data Helper (PDH) DLL has been somewhat flaky for years. This DLL is used by default in the Performance Monitor to find the counters and their values. So recently we built our own implementation and all the customers using it are finding it to be more robust. Would you enable the new implementation by setting Perf_AvoidPDH = 1. Location in registry: Once you have made the change restart the PA Server Monitor service. Then try your copying test again. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
Will you please try your copy and paste one more time. Then after a few minutes please zip up and send us the service log file. We'll also need to know what server you were copying the monitor from and to. Also, in the email please tell us what OS is on each server. support@poweradmin.com Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
There was an issue on our side with the checking. You now should be able to the Update Check and get the correct reply. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |
In the console Help/Check For Newer Version... reports it is current. When I go and downloaded latest version manually it's Shouldn't the Help option have reported that as available? Regardless, I still can't paste my Performance Monitor. |
Hi J_Michael, There have been some fixes that might help you. Please update to the latest version. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. |