First, these option in advanced service is nice.

In my configuration it scans a specific IP range every night and pick up the new stuff and store it under [companynew].

Unfortunatly my colleges often left there PC switched on and I find some new unnecessary PCs in my NEW folder. No problem to kill them and put the IP to the Network Scanner blacklist, but it´s boring.

I´ve two wishes:

1) a right-click funktion to a device, like delete and store name/ip to Network Scanner Blacklist

2) wildcards in the blacklist, like PRO-PC* = all PCs starting with PRO-PC...

Regards Marco

asked 27 Feb '16, 14:56

MTE's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 28 Feb '16, 02:05

Hi Marco --

We don't have #1 above, but as of version 6.2 you can add wild-cards to the ignore list.


answered 13 May '16, 10:00

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 27 Feb '16, 14:56

Seen: 5,090 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '17, 22:28