I would like to know if you can rename auto generated charts. I can't figure it out so I removed all of the charts and added a Custom SNMP Counter and set Source Item Filter to the Alias of the Object but that Object will not show a chart.

asked 05 May '16, 13:14

sjcitpro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The chart's title will be the monitored value's alias if present, otherwise it will use the base counter name.

The chart should show for counters that have an alias assigned. Sometimes when setting an alias later won't end up getting written to the database until after the service restarts. So try restarting the monitoring service just to see if that is what is happening.


answered 13 May '16, 09:52

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 05 May '16, 13:14

Seen: 4,228 times

Last updated: 13 May '16, 09:52