Hello, is it possible to copy the original files before they are deleted, modified, renamed or moved? For example by an action?

asked 04 May '21, 10:28

SnfRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi SnfRob,

If you are asking if PA File Sight can copy the file before a deleted, modified, renamed or moved, that answer is no. PAFS is a monitoring application only. By the time it knows about the file being change the action has already been done by the user. It sounds like you need some type backup software where you would be able to restore from the last snapshot.


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answered 04 May '21, 11:36

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 04 May '21, 10:28

Seen: 1,863 times

Last updated: 04 May '21, 11:36