It would be nice to introduce some conditional logic to some events. For example when a user creates a new folder it is by default called 'New folder'. They then change then name of the folder to something they want. This fires the folder rename event. I'm interested in events where a real folder name has been renamed so if I could exclude folders renamed from the name 'New Folder' that would be great.

asked 30 Nov '17, 10:18

cre8toruk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi cre8toruk,

Thanks for the suggestion. We've talked about this in the past and there are few issues with the ignoring of the "New Folder" creation and rename.

  • The biggest issue is how long does the service hold on to the information that a "New Folder" was created and not report on it until a user gives it the new name. For example, a user creates the "New Folder" and then immediately gives it a new name, this is the ideal case. But what happens if the user doesn't give the new name right away and waits for a long time (5 or 10 minutes or even the next day) or maybe the user doesn't give a new name at all and lets the folder stay named "New Folder". The question is does the service wait and if so how long? When dose the service alert that a new folder was created?
  • The term "New Folder" is used in the English language but in other languages its actual name is something else. The question then is what is the service looking for?
  • Remember that when a user creates a new folder and it appears in File Explorer it really is a new folder at that time and the OS recognizes it as such. The rules in the monitor states to alert on new folders, in this case the service should then alert.

We are open to suggestions or thoughts on this if you’d like to share them.


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answered 30 Nov '17, 11:41

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 30 Nov '17, 10:18

Seen: 3,677 times

Last updated: 30 Nov '17, 11:41