Is there a way to monitor a log file and trigger an action if a specific string of text is missing?

Cheers, Leon Hewitt

asked 31 May '16, 22:45

CITS-MOE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Leon,

The Log File Monitor as you know checks a text log file for the specific text. However, it doesn't have the ability to do what you are asking for.

You could use an Execute Script Monitor to check the file to make sure that specific text is found. In fact there is a sample script on the documentation page that do just that.


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answered 01 Jun '16, 09:09

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn, I might look into the Execute Script side of things.

I am currently using a Log File Monitor as it checks our license server for "Error" "Exiting" or "Failed" but the other day i found the service was down but the log file had completely blanked itself. Was hoping i could adapt the existing monitor to also detect a blank file.

Cheers, Leon Hewitt

(01 Jun '16, 21:19) CITS-MOE
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Asked: 31 May '16, 22:45

Seen: 4,845 times

Last updated: 01 Jun '16, 21:19