
I am just wondering if there are plans to support visualization such as Hyper-V and VMWare? I use PA server monitor for most of my monitoring but I am forced to use another product to monitor my Hyper-V environment for things like snapshot age, size etc. It would be handy to have all of this in one platform.


asked 09 Jan '17, 00:05

MatIT's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Sorry, but don't have and default monitors that you could use to get this information. However, looking at your list of items many of them are things that you can monitor mow using the some of the standard monitors. For example you can use the Services Monitor to watch the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service to make sure that it is running and you can use the File Age monitor to watch for the snapshot ages.

I have submitted a request to have some work done to add some default Hyper-V monitors.


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answered 10 Jan '17, 15:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi MatIT,

Can you tell me the items that you are monitoring on your Hyper-V?


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answered 09 Jan '17, 10:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

I want to monitor the following:

  1. Hyper-V snapshot age and size
  2. Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service status
  3. Hyper-V disk merge status (success / failure)
  4. Hyper-V VM specific (Failure to migrate VM, power on/off, initialize)

At the moment im using Veeam One free to monitor our Hyper-V Specific environment.


answered 09 Jan '17, 20:09

MatIT's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jan '17, 20:14

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Asked: 09 Jan '17, 00:05

Seen: 4,548 times

Last updated: 10 Jan '17, 15:07