After the MS Updates often reboots are required. Then we receive a notification by the System Alerts in File Sight Pro. But the reboot does not show up on the reports. Is it possible to create a report that shows reboots next to the regular file actions?

asked 03 Feb '17, 09:16

Robin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Robin,

In the version that you are using, the reboots are not tracked in the database. However, it is a feature in version 7 when it comes out, currently being tested for beta. But you can turn on this feature in version 6.4 if you would like.


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answered 03 Feb '17, 10:54

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 03 Feb '17, 09:16

Seen: 4,241 times

Last updated: 03 Feb '17, 10:54