By accident I bunk deleted a number of monitor on all nodes in a container. Is there a way to restore them. Among others there are some specific SNMP read monitor I am very keen on to get back :-(

asked 27 Nov '12, 04:03

micke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Micke,

The service does make a backup file of your configuration about once a day. You can find this file at C:Program FilesPA Server MonitorConfigBackup. Then you could use the Configuration -> Import Entire Configuration to pull it in. Here is a link to help with Importing and Exporting Configurations.


answered 27 Nov '12, 13:18

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn. I have now restored the monitors. Everything is back to normal.

(27 Nov '12, 17:06) micke
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Asked: 27 Nov '12, 04:03

Seen: 5,226 times

Last updated: 27 Nov '12, 17:06