
I have a Certos 6.7 Linux machine that I have monitoring performance data (CPU, Memory, etc) Currently Poweradmin alerts on % of Commited Bytes used and that does not seem to be right as when we check the system the actual usage is well below 90 percent. So the monitor seems to pull look at the amount consumed by the system + the cached buffered part.

Is there a way to get it set to monitor the "actual" amount of memory used?

asked 04 Feb '16, 13:32

Loskene's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


By default when the service is performance monitor to monitor a Linux server the service in the background switches to monitor SNMP counters. In this case for the % of Committed Bytes value it is watching two counters on the server; and Each of those counters has two values, Used and Total. We combine the Used numbers together and the Total numbers from each. Those numbers are using to calculate the % of Committed Bytes.

If you want you can always use an SNMP monitor to any counter value you want. Then to get the charts to show on the Server Status report you will need to add an Custom SNMP Counter chart.

Help Pages:
SNMP Monitor
Server Status Report


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answered 04 Feb '16, 14:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 04 Feb '16, 13:32

Seen: 5,151 times

Last updated: 04 Feb '16, 14:04