Hi all,

How do view which devices are monitored by the Central Monitoring Server?

I can do this easily for satellites just by selecting the satellite in the Advanced Services View but I cannot see how to do this for the Central Monitoring server

Does anyone know how to do this?

Many Thanks


asked 30 May '17, 06:05

MartinCooper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Martin,

There is a report called "Configuration Audit" that you can run that will give you a list of servers/devices and what they are monitored by. Look for the setting in Filters and Parameters called "Show 'Monitored By' Service". There are many other settings that you can also add if you need more information.


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answered 30 May '17, 11:03

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 30 May '17, 06:05

Seen: 3,537 times

Last updated: 30 May '17, 11:03