I need to exclude a certain event log event ID on all servers. I know about Bulk config, but if I apply the change to 1 server, then use that server as the source, will it overwrite other event log monitor customization's I have made on other servers or does it merge the settings?


asked 23 Jun '17, 11:18

meetoo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The Monitor: Set Monitor Parameters is quite good at making changes like this to the Event Log monitor. It will compute a delta from the edits you make, and then apply that delta. Try it on just a few first to make sure it does what you want.


answered 03 Jul '17, 20:08

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 23 Jun '17, 11:18

Seen: 2,960 times

Last updated: 03 Jul '17, 20:08