Hi All,

Today we have updated ServerMonitor to the latest version. Now we have a problem with our database server. The PA Database is using 100% CPU. When I stop the service it immediately gets back to normal. After starting the service again it gets to 100% again after a couple minutes.

Anyone else with the same problem or does anyone have solution for me? I tried to contact support already but no answer yet.

asked 11 Jan '18, 08:58

i_kocak's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

My guess is the Active Directory monitor - it writes a LOT of data. In version 7.0.3 we tried to make some updates to cut down on the amount stored. 7.0.4 does a better job.

If you're not using 7.0.4 (or newer) I'd highly recommend upgrading.


answered 19 Feb '18, 16:11

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 11 Jan '18, 08:58

Seen: 3,494 times

Last updated: 19 Feb '18, 16:11