I get this when I open PowerAdmin Server Monitor. Please help

System Error Detected: Database error #### sqlite_exec failed with 14 (unable to open database file ExtErr=14) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO MonitorParams (ID, Data) VALUES (174, '<?xml version="1.0"?><checksum value="0182077784"> <obj-monitor2 ver="3"><m_monitorid t="DWORD">174</m_monitorid><m_internalparam1 t="string"></m_internalparam1><m_internalparam2 t="string"></m_internalparam2><m_internalparam3 t="string"></m_internalparam3><m_internalstatus t="eMonitorStatus">18</m_internalstatus><lastrun t="DateTime">4676063595631917915</lastrun> <m_internalStateTracker t="st[Trimmed]]. Involves: C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorConfigConfiguration.db. Will re-open.

I wonder if it's caused by local security policy (something I've been working with GPOs - which I can't revert)? I've tried giving the DB files EVERYONE modify access, which hasn't fixed it :(

asked 23 Feb '16, 18:41

Lewyh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

hmmm seems that it's now working... Not sure what fixed it. I have other issues now. I'll do a new thread!


answered 23 Feb '16, 20:27

Lewyh's gravatar image

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Asked: 23 Feb '16, 18:41

Seen: 4,975 times

Last updated: 23 Feb '16, 20:27