FileSystem_FileInfo.db has gotten too large, I assume because I checked the File System Analyzer option to Track individual file information. I have since unchecked that option, but the database size has not decreased. Database cleanup does not decrease the size either when reducing the number of days to keep data.

Am I missing a setting or option to reclaim the disk space?

asked 30 Oct '13, 13:36

gruney's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Gruney,

When you change the retention settings for the database the change will take 24 hours to complete. So you will see after that time the data has been removed from the database. The issue is that the database size will not change unless you change it manually. On SQL Servers I believe there are some automatic settings that you can use and there are some manual things you can do to change the size. If you are using our embedded database we have a command line option that you can use to change the size. Here is a link to read more about that. Look for "/COMPRESS_DATABASES".

Command Line Options


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answered 30 Oct '13, 14:35

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn. I am using the embedded database, so I will try that command line.

I have manually shrunk our WSUS databases before using SQL Server Management (following someone else's instructions), so I was familiar with that but a similar approach was not working for the PA databases.

I will be back to mark this as answered if I don't run into more questions.

(30 Oct '13, 15:09) gruney

The command seemed to be working. It ran through the small databases quickly and slowed down on the larger ones. The process finished, but the file sizes did not change. The console says the service is running again. "Services" says PA Storage Monitor is not started, but I think that is the scheduled service that is not supposed to be running all the time. The midnight reports ran as usual, but the emails were not sent.

(31 Oct '13, 09:50) gruney

You can look in the services log file to find out why the emails weren't sent.

I'm not sure about the services running.... Did you refresh the Services?

(31 Oct '13, 10:58) Quinn ♦♦

Looking at the system activity list shows an alert "System Error Detected: Failed to save configuration changes to database" keeps popping up.

(31 Oct '13, 16:25) gruney

Please zip up and send the services log file to

You should be able to find the log file in the PA Storage MonitorLogs directory.

(31 Oct '13, 16:35) Quinn ♦♦

It was database error 8, so I am trying a fix that was in one of your other posts. For some reason the user who is used for authentication was on the install folder security list with read only privileges. The user is an admin and admin rights were full control, so I just removed the user name from the list. I am running the compress again now. I will send the log file if this does not fix it.

(31 Oct '13, 16:50) gruney
showing 5 of 6 show all

If you use PA Admin System Monitoring, it´s possible to face the same situation.

Ich this case the comandline in the PA programmfolder is:

ServerMonSatellite.exe /compress_databases.



answered 01 Mar '16, 07:31

MTE's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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Asked: 30 Oct '13, 13:36

Seen: 9,111 times

Last updated: 01 Mar '16, 07:31