We have been using PASM for sometime and recently have begun a lift and shift to AWS. As part of that change we have dynamic servers which spin up and down based on demand.

Using the ADD_SERVER API I was able to develop an automated system that adds and then removes servers and the monitors and actions for those servers dynamically using the cxml export format. This has worked for several months with only a few hiccups.

We have just upgraded to version and after doing this my system broke. The ADD_SERVER command works and the server (IP) is added to the correct group, but it is added with no monitors or actions. The API call returns only a :OK: and nothing else and no where in the logs on the server can I find any related error to either the server names, cxml or 'ADD_SERVER'. I am at a complete loss.

Here is a sample call that I am calling from node.js in a lambda function from AWS:^aws_in^wf

I have confirmed the cxml exists in that location. I have confirmed it is good by manually importing it to a server. The group exists and my key is good (Otherwise it wouldn't add the blank server).

Any help???

asked 10 May '18, 15:24

Tom_B's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Tom —

The update with the fix has been pushed out to preview version


I don't know if you care, but the ADD_SERVER API has a new optional parameter, GETID, which will return the newly created server's ID (by default it does not). This is mentioned on the documentation page:



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answered 11 May '18, 12:08

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


This did the trick. We are back up and running

(15 May '18, 14:04) Tom_B
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Asked: 10 May '18, 15:24

Seen: 2,235 times

Last updated: 15 May '18, 14:04