When using Bulk Cofnig to set ping dependency is there any way to be able to do multiple hosts at once? When I do select multiple hosts and then pick a ping monitor from the Select Options... dialog, nothing gets assigned to any monitor on any of the selected hosts.

We have a need to fix this on ~1k monitors and doing this one server at a time would be massively time consuming.

We are running v

asked 24 Jul '18, 14:20

J_Michael's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Hi J_Michael,

The Bulk Cofnig -> Set Ping Dependency is designed to set a monitor or group of monitors to their own Ping Monitor for a dependency.

I'm imagining that you may want to have the monitors of a server dependent on the Ping monitor for the same server and also dependent on a Ping monitor for a switch or other device. Try this, use Bulk Cofnig -> Set Ping Dependency to set all of your monitors in a group of servers to be dependent on their own Ping monitors. Then use Bulk Cofnig -> Set Monitor Dependencies to set the dependency for all of Ping monitors in the group to be dependent on the Ping monitor for the switch or other device.


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answered 26 Jul '18, 13:41

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 24 Jul '18, 14:20

Seen: 2,567 times

Last updated: 26 Jul '18, 13:41