We are using We have a central monitoring server connected to one of our sites. This site has 2 satellite servers.

The servers that are being monitored from either of the satellites are reporting as being down due to a failed ping response. However, from the satellite servers I have proved that the servers never drop a ping.

So looks like it is just PA Mon that is unable to ping. This is not constant but is most of the time, sometimes they will report back as having received a ping.

asked 02 Jan '13, 11:48

svradmin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That would be the problem. When a satellite is installed it is given an ID and if you were copying the VM to create other servers that ID would be copied as well, therefore causing the main server to think all those satellites were the same.

Remove the old satellite and the registry information. Then you can install a new satellite and it will get a new ID.

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answered 03 Jan '13, 08:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I have managed to find the answer to this problem. We have multiple sites using satellites.

I tried to "Discover" a list of machines from one site, and got a list from another site on a different IP address range. Looking at the list of satellits, only one set were configured so we should not have been able to see the other sites machines.

We use a VM template for our deployments, all of which have the PA Mon service installed. Looking at the registery i can see they all have the same Agent_ID, so PA Mon thinks they are the same, when they are actually different physical locations.


answered 03 Jan '13, 06:09

svradmin's gravatar image

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Can you tell us what your setting are for your ping monitor? The max response time and if you look under the Advanced Options what are your setting on the Alert Suppression tab. Also, are you using the IP address in your ping monitor or the server name? Also, when you ping the monitored server are you using the IP or server name? Could you also zip up and send us a copy of the Satellite log file with the name of the server that you are pinging? Please send the log file to support@poweradmin.com

Thanks Quinn


answered 02 Jan '13, 14:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


Can you tell us what your setting are for your ping monitor? The max response time and if you look under the Advanced Options what are your setting on the Alert Suppression tab. The max response time is 300ms. The Alert Suppression is Don't Suporess

Also, are you using the IP address in your ping monitor or the server name? Also, when you ping the monitored server are you using the IP or server name?

The montiors were "Discovered" by IP address, but are displayed as hostname, so i think they are polling via Host Name. When we ping the server, this is also by hostname.

(03 Jan '13, 03:43) svradmin
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Asked: 02 Jan '13, 11:48

Seen: 8,170 times

Last updated: 03 Jan '13, 08:55