Server Monitor its been useful for us in so many ways, frecquently in unexpected ways.

Now I have a new necessity: I don´t provide server credentials to most of the team, they just have access to those assets that are under their responsability.

We´d been in the need to remote shutdown a windows server because power failures out of our control. UPS provides power to safe shutdown but we dont have a power plant in that place.

Because the limited time, we use "shutdown -s" to skip any windows update that may delay the shutdown.

Sometimes the responsible for such server cant do that as fast as we would like (weekends, midnights...)

The PA Server Monitor under "operations" menu provides the possibility to reboot computer without providing another windows credentials.

Is there a way to send the shutdown command using PA? All of the team has PA access, so I wouldn´t have to provide server credentials to enable another team member to be able to shutdown the server if the situation araises...


asked 10 Sep '18, 11:22

alejnadro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi alejnadro,

You can edit the "Operations" menu by editing the Console_Operations.ini file in the root directory of PA Server Monitor. When you open that file in a text editor you will see some instructions at the top and then the menu options starting with the reboot option. For example you could add a new entry with the command line to shutdown the server.


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answered 10 Sep '18, 15:07

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thank you it worked!

To allow a user to shutdown the system without granting adrministrative privileges in the server I had to add to the solution what is described in the link below if case someone needs it.

Have a great day!


answered 10 Oct '18, 12:04

alejnadro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 10 Sep '18, 11:22

Seen: 3,180 times

Last updated: 10 Oct '18, 12:04