
in our company we are using PA-Servermonitor and diskspace monitor. We are using the default values and settings but we need different settings as like this:

... description: "\db-sqlc$ there are only xx% of free disk space" or

"\ db-sqlc$ there are only xx GB of free disk space available"

can you help me please?

asked 17 Dec '12, 10:16

rgietz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Dec '12, 10:20

Hi Rgietz,

You can edit each of the disks that you are monitoring and change them to use a presentage or a speified amount to monitor for. You can see an example on the Disk Space Monitor.


answered 17 Dec '12, 12:42

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

thank you for your answer but i think i have told you the wrong subject. The disk space monitor is set as.... (< 50 GB for example). The alert e-mail is the point i am looking for different settings. The alert e-mail, if the diskspace is smaler than the settings are is: ... description: \db-sqlc$ < xx GB (aktuell 11,7 GB)

but we need only the information like this description: \db-sqlc$ there are only xxGB disk free (or there are only xx% free). Thats's what i am looking for.

Is there a way to customize this?


answered 18 Dec '12, 05:59

rgietz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 17 Dec '12, 10:16

Seen: 8,417 times

Last updated: 20 Mar '18, 00:54