I have an alert that will tell me when a drive has less than 10% space available. Along with this alert I would like to know if there is a way to see what files have been added or modified to trigger the event.

asked 21 Aug '13, 08:39

rkuper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To be quite honest, WatchDISK is fairly old and hasn't been updated in quite a while. PA Storage Monitor is meant to be its replacement. You will find there are a lot of items in PA Storage monitor that will help you track down how your drive is filling up. Take a look at the following for more information.

PA Storage Monitor


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answered 23 Aug '13, 11:59

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


Using PA Server Monitor, there isn't a way to find the actual file(s) that triggered the disk space alert. You could try to use a File & Directory Change Monitor to monitor for changes and new files but this will give you information all of the time not just when the disk space alert was fired.

Question: Are you looking just for big files or any files? What happens if the you get on large file to gets you close to the 10% and then you get a very small file the pushes you over. Do you want to know about just the small file or are you wanting to know about the large file?


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answered 21 Aug '13, 11:15

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I am really just trying to track down what caused the drive to fill. I might look at watch disk.

(23 Aug '13, 09:50) rkuper
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Asked: 21 Aug '13, 08:39

Seen: 6,567 times

Last updated: 23 Aug '13, 11:59