Hello everyone

I try to setup an ESX monitor So I setup a Server using ESX protocols, and set the credentials (triple checked em) However on all the monitors I try to add I get this error:

Probe-​Methoden: ESX Fehler beim Systemdetails über ESX-​Anfragen abrufen: Fehler beim Antrag auf Hilfsprogramm zu senden. (google translated: Retrieve System Details Errors via ESX Requests: Send Application Error Request.) err=FFFE1C7B, try=1

Any idea what this could be?

asked 28 Aug '19, 08:03

thunderbyte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Thunderbyte,

We have seen a few issues like this when using the v8. To resolve it please make sure that you have .NET v4.6.2 or greater installed on the server. MS dose have .NET v8 out so you might want to upgrade to the latest version.


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answered 28 Aug '19, 11:11

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

thanks a lot this was the answer

really appreciate the fast reply


answered 29 Aug '19, 03:21

thunderbyte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 28 Aug '19, 08:03

Seen: 2,332 times

Last updated: 22 Oct '19, 00:28