I have alerting set up for a ping monitor and only have it set to fire an alert if it's been down 10 minutes. This works great - however I have actions set up to tell me when alerts are resolved. I don't see a way to suppress these like I can the alert. Is there a way to do this?

So what's happening is I'm getting "resolved" emails for the alerts that happen within that 10 minute threshold that I set above. I'd really like to only get the resolved email if the alert was a real alert ("real" in my case is it was in error for 10 minutes).

Thanks in advance. I'm running v8.2.2.1.

asked 06 Jan '21, 11:12

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi paelcolp,

Looking at your settings I think you have a race condition going on. You are using both the Event Escalation for sending of the email and the Alert Suppression.

Say the monitor gets a ping that exceeds the limit, your current config will be put the monitor into "Suppressed Alert" mode, based on the

Alert Suppression settings. The status of the monitor will stay that way until the 10 minutes are over. Meanwhile, no clock has been started for when the email action is fired.

Now the monitor has passed the suppression time of 10 minutes. That changes the monitor's status to "Alert", which causes any actions to fire. However, the settings say don't fire any actions until after the monitor has been in Alert mode for 10 minutes after the first alert. That means your getting email alerts 20 minutes after the monitor sees the first problem.

Now say the monitor goes back to an "OK" status after 14 minutes that causes the Resolved Action to be fired. There have not been any Alert Actions fired yet.

You can use either of the

Event Escalation or Alert Suppression options. If you use just the Event Escalation, your monitor will be in Alert mode for 10 minutes before any emails are sent. If you use Alert Suppression, the monitor will not go into Alert mode until 10 minutes have passed. My suggestion would be to use the Alert Suppression and then set your Action

Event Escalation to fire immediately, and if you want to fire every 10 minutes after that. Or any other time you would like.

Try my suggestion and then tweak your settings it to fit your needs.


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answered 07 Jan '21, 11:19

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi paelcolp,

It would help me to understand how you have your setting setup if you could send me some screenshots of those settings for your Ping monitor. Please include the Ping Monitor config, Advanced Option of the Ping Monitor, and Action menu showing the actions that are added.

Please send them to support@poweradmin.com


Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray checkmark to the left of the answer.


answered 06 Jan '21, 15:11

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks - emailed over the screenshots. Will update this post with results if we get it figured out so others will know how to do it.


answered 07 Jan '21, 09:57

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK this is finally sorted out. What fixed it was having the settings under Advanced Options --> Alert Suppression --> Only fire alerts after the monitor has detected an error for x minutes. I set that, and then on the Actions area for the alert I set it to do immediately. This has stopped my phantom resolve actions from happening and I'm getting my actual alerts after the suppression period (and my resolve actions when they clear).

Thanks Quinn for the help!


answered 15 Jan '21, 15:26

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 06 Jan '21, 11:12

Seen: 2,256 times

Last updated: 15 Jan '21, 15:26