Is there a way to modify what fields get included in a scheduled report? I'm exporting the ping uptime report but there are some fields I'd like to include that aren't on there, such as Group.

I'm exporting to CSV and emailing it. It's just showing Source, Date, and Up %. Is there a way to add anything else to this? I know there's a way to modify the displayed reports on the console but I haven't run across a way to do this with generated reports. Please advise, thanks!

asked 28 May '21, 14:44

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Peolcolp,

The Ping Uptime report doesn't have the options to add additional information or sort by Groups, it was designed to a chart or graph type report and therefore doesn't have extra data to include.

You could run that report at a Group level or selecting just the servers/devices you want on the report. Then you would need to setup an additional Scheduled Report to automate it.


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answered 01 Jun '21, 09:19

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 28 May '21, 14:44

Seen: 1,659 times

Last updated: 01 Jun '21, 09:19