
I am monitoring using a webpage monitor. The monitor registers that all is well, but with a very long ttfb. (both via the console and the service) When I browse the same page form the server or another machine the respone is as expected. The diagnostics log shows:

11:32:12.645, Timing: 10ms to send, 117ms server time, 21133ms TTFB, 0ms download all

The 117ms is mathced in the IIS logs. But I have no idea where the other 21.000ms keeps coming from. This response is consistently above 20.000ms only from the monitoring tool...

Thanks, Justin

asked 22 May '23, 05:49

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Justin Sjouw
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edited 22 May '23, 05:49

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Asked: 22 May '23, 05:49

Seen: 36,882 times

Last updated: 26 Aug '23, 01:57