We are supporting PA File Sight on a server for a company that wants to have user access reports emailed at the end of each day, but they have asked us to group or condense the reports into a single email. As it is currently, at the designated reporting time it spews out a stream of around 15 emails over a period of 20 minutes.

I have been digging through the settings looking for a way to do this but I haven't found it. Are there controls for the rate and content of single emailed reports? If so, what have I missed?


asked 28 Jul '23, 11:15

Andrew35's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Andrew,

At this time there are no options to combine reports into a single email to be sent. When sending a lot of reports, many times you will hit a size limit. However, there is an option to save your reports to a location on your server or on the network. This would make all of the reports available to everyone. 

In the Scheduled Report look on the Delivery tab. You will have the option to save the report to a location and change the name of the report.


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answered 01 Aug '23, 09:45

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 28 Jul '23, 11:15

Seen: 1,348 times

Last updated: 01 Aug '23, 09:45