Is there any way to capture who made the AD changes? Alerts or an audit trail of what changed without knowing who made the changes is much less useful.

We get these fields with PA Server Monitor: Time,Object Name,Change Type,Computer,Object Class,Attribute,Attribute Original Value,Attribute Changed Value

But what we need is the "Caller User Name", which should be the username of the person who made the change. We get this information from ManageEngine ADAudit Plus and would like to replace it with Server Monitor but need this field in the reports for auditing purposes.

asked 31 Oct '23, 11:55

nicholas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Nicholas,

The AD Monitor isn't able to collect that type of infomation becasue the AD application doesn't collect and store that type of information. AD changes are most likely handled by the OS.

I imagine that the other products you mentioned are intercepting requests for information that the OS is processing and PASM is not designed to do that.


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answered 01 Nov '23, 16:06

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 01 Nov '23, 16:07

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Asked: 31 Oct '23, 11:55

Seen: 1,323 times

Last updated: 01 Nov '23, 16:07