We recently performed a disaster recovery exercise where we restored VM backups into a new datacenter and brought our whole environment back online. Part of this is the VM that runs Server Monitor. When opening the console on the DR instance there is a message about activating the license. This got me to thinking about what we would do in an actual DR scenario.

How would we go about activating the license o the new VM without removing it from the old VM?

asked 06 Nov '23, 14:04

mscirri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi mscirri,

Each time the Service starts on a new server or the server's name or MAC address changes, the monitoring service is going to reactive the licenses. You can activate your license on your new server after a recovery has occurred. The license on the old machine will not be moved just in case you need to go back to the old server.

Remember that there is max number of activations per license, if you get to that level, please let us know and we can change the max number for your license.   Thanks

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answered 07 Nov '23, 11:32

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 06 Nov '23, 14:04

Seen: 1,165 times

Last updated: 07 Nov '23, 11:32