Good day, We are getting the subject error message regularly (daily). The administrator for the server with the affected share doesn't see anything wrong and I can't find an issue on the Server Monitor side. Any ideas for things to check? FYI: the affected share is on the same server and uses the same credentials as other shares that Server Monitor has no issue accessing.

asked 2 days ago

Macbrun's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For situations like this we recommend taking PA Server Monitor out of the picture and trying a test.

So for example, let's assume PA Server Monitor is installed on server MON1 and it is trying to access the share \SERVE1myshare. Further, the PA Server Monitor service is running as DOMAINsvcacct.

We would recommend that you login to MON1 as DOMAINsvcacct. Then see if you can use Windows Explorer to access \SERVE1myshare. If you have server-specific credentials set in PA Server Monitor for SERVE1, then you could use them here when trying to access the share.

This normally exposes whatever underlying issue is blocking the monitor since you are doing essentially the same thing as what the monitor is doing.


answered 2 days ago

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 2 days ago

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Last updated: 2 days ago