
I try to execute file with paexec in a remote computer, but this file is located in a network folder. I use this command paexec \\Server_ip -u user domain admin -p password -w \\ip_network folder\target "\\ip_network_folder\target\file.bat". Do you know if is possible because i have errors.

Thank you very much

asked 30 Jul '12, 02:28

cheperun's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Aug '12, 10:48

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦

I would expect that to work. Try adding -rlo {log file path} option to see what errors are given. That might help us figure out why it's not working.

Also, I assume for the paths you are doing something like:



answered 30 Jul '12, 08:50

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

edited 03 Aug '12, 10:47


The software show me this error.

CMD.exe was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows Directory.

I try to execute the file from remote server directly and it works fine. The command that i use exactly is:

c:\utils\paexec.exe \\ -u domain\user -p password \\\shared\one " \\\shared\one\execute.bat"

(31 Jul '12, 02:29) cheperun

Does this work with PSExec? Also, does the .bat file depend on the current directory to be set correctly? Based on the error, the default directory can't be UNC but has to be a local folder. You can use the -w option to specify something else.

(31 Jul '12, 09:36) Doug ♦♦


Yes with psexec i try too with the option -w but always show that the acces is denied. I use a administrator domain user and i have access to the folder.


(31 Jul '12, 09:54) cheperun

Can you post the error you are getting? "Access Denied" is different than the "UNC paths are not supported", so we seem to be making some progress :)

(03 Aug '12, 10:50) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 30 Jul '12, 02:28

Seen: 7,739 times

Last updated: 03 Aug '12, 10:50