Is there a way to monitor Microsoft Messaging Queuing queues and alert when the number of items in a queue exceeds a certain threshold?

asked 27 Feb '13, 16:28

MichaelM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Michael,

Yes, you can use the Performance Counter Monitor to watch the counter you are interested in. Microsoft provides several groups of counter for the Message Queuing.

MSMQ Service
MSMQ Queue
MSMQ Session
MSMQ Incoming HTTP Traffic
MSMQ Outgoing HTTP Session
MSMQ Incoming Multicast Session
MSMQ Outgoing Multicast Session

Here are the instructions for the Performance Counter Monitor on our site.


answered 28 Feb '13, 09:37

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 27 Feb '13, 16:28

Seen: 9,917 times

Last updated: 28 Feb '13, 09:37