Using the Free version to monitor event log. No issues getting alerts from application, system log but my application has it's own event log (Symantec Enterprise Vault) which I can't seem to get an alert from. PA see's the log and it is selected, any idea's?

asked 20 Mar '13, 11:23

Energy99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Energy99,

Could you please run you event monitor again and then send us your log files? Please zip them up and send them to Please include the name of the server and the event log monitor and the name of the event log that is not getting alerted on. Also so that we can see your settings would you please seed a screen shot of your monitors settings.

Thanks Quinn


answered 20 Mar '13, 17:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 20 Mar '13, 11:23

Seen: 4,722 times

Last updated: 20 Mar '13, 17:04