I'm trying to remotely launch an executable using PAExec, but I can't seem to get it to work. The aggravating thing is the exact same command works when I use PSExec. Normally, that would be fine, I'd just use the one that works, but I'd like to be able to include it with my programs installer, which I can't do with PSExec.

The command I'm using:

paexec \\PCName -u Username -p Password -i -d C:\Path\to\executable.exe

When I run the command, it acts as if the executable launched, and PAExec returns with exit code 0. However, the process never gets launched on the remote machine from what I can tell. If I switch PAExec to PSExec, it launches normally, and everything is fine. Any suggestions?

asked 16 Apr '13, 14:33

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edited 16 Apr '13, 14:34

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Asked: 16 Apr '13, 14:33

Seen: 3,738 times

Last updated: 16 Apr '13, 14:34