
  1. Question: When i start: paexec \computername -s cmd.exe
    I became this Result: Remote app failed to start. Returned error: Not able to get Local System token

PAExec returning exit code -9

PSEXEC accepted this combination and starts the Process correct, See results on the Remote PC: C:Windowssystem32>whoami nt-autoritätsystem

  1. (2) Question: When i try end the process with the combination "crtl-C" i became thise Result: C:Windowssystem32>^C (stopping) Remote app failed to start. Returned error:

Failed to cleanup [\xw68test001ADMIN$PAExec-6300-SW060050.exe] on ow068test001. Access is denied. [Err=0x5, 5]

PAExec returning exit code -9

After this i have on the Remote PC a service with the name: PAExec-6300-SW060050

and a new: paexec \xw68test001 cmd create a new paexec service with a new name

asked 17 Jul '13, 04:32

steffen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Jul '13, 04:35

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Asked: 17 Jul '13, 04:32

Seen: 7,927 times

Last updated: 17 Jul '13, 04:35