Local Machine: Remote Machine (IP Address = Elevated command prompt command line: Output: Connecting to Setup Installer.exe returned -1 PAExec returning exit code -1 The log file that file.exe creates indicates that a call to the windows API function GetTempFileNameW fails with the error 0x8007010b (The directory name is invalid) GetTempFileNameW is called passing the result of GetTempPathW as the first parameter. GetTempPathW returns C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Temp\ Using PsExec with an equivalent command line works as expected: When using PsExec, GetTempPathW returns C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ This also happens on Windows Server 2003 R2 64-bit and Windows Server 2003 64-bit. However, when I run the following command, it works although file.exe is run as the Administrator user: paexec.exe /AcceptEula \\ -u\Administrator -p password -c -f -csrc -c "C:path tofile.exe" file.exe Any ideas? Thank you very much. |